Homeopathy is a system of natural medicine which is based on the principle that Like cures Like. If a substance can produce symptoms of ill health in a healthy person, this substance can treat the same symptoms in a sick person. Homeopathy is actually a system of energetic medicine, because the remedies are made by extracting frequencies of energy out of natural substances, such as plants and minerals.
Homeopathy works by resonance. In other words, the effective homeopathic remedy strengthens the vital energy of the patient, because it is of a similar wavelength to the patient's vital energy. When the patient's vital energy is strengthened, it automatically tunes itself to a healthier frequency, and in the process health improves. Because of this phenomenon of resonance, homeopathy is both gentle and powerful. It is gentle because it only strengthens the body's vital energy, rather than manipulating specific chemical pathways. And it is powerful because it is highly specific - the correct remedy perfectly matches the frequency of the patient's vital energy, ensuring a significant shift in health. In Classical Homeopathy one remedy is selected which resonates with the whole body and mind of the patient. Individual symptoms are not treated, rather, the whole person is treated. This results in numerous different problems all improving at the same time. The patient may continue improving on the same remedy for several months before a different remedy is needed. In my homeopathic consultations, I usually focus on identifying the constitutional remedy, that is, the remedy which fits the long-term frequency of the patient. I do this in large part by examining the psychological make up of the patient, since every constitutional type has a corresponding personality profile. Consultations with me thus involve quite a lot of discussion of the psychological characteristics of the patient, even if the remedy is being given for a physical problem. Classical Homeopathy can help with virtually all kinds of illness, both mental and physical. It can be used to reduce stress, to improve energy and to strengthen immunity. Homeopathic remedies can be taken alongside chemical medicines, and they can help to reduce the need for prescribed medicines. Constitutional treatment has the potential to balance deep-seated physical and emotional problems, over a period of several months. During the period of treatment follow-up appointments are usually required about every 6 weeks. Making Skype Appointments To book a Skype consult email: [email protected] Fee: $240 Au 1st consult (50-60 minutes) $120 Au for follow-up consultations |